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Holiday Gift Guide for the Sensual Goddess

  /  Pleasure   /  Holiday Gift Guide for the Sensual Goddess

Can you believe it’s that time of year again?

My “Holiday Cheer” playlist is serenading me into the Christmas spirit as I write this, and the only reason I feel this is okay pre-December is because it’s setting the mood to put together a fun Holiday Gift Guide for the 2023 season.

Brands and products I’ve included support small businesses. Within a season saturated in mindless consumerism, I hope these ideas inspire you to get creative with your own gift ideas – shifting away from gifts just for the sake of gifts (and more unnecessary stuff in the world) and toward conscious choices that last a lifetime. 

I love Christmas deeply, and that love thrives on the simple fact that it happens one day of the year. And yet, each year Black Friday has extended from a single day, to include Cyber Monday and Small Business Sunday – all the way into the entire month of November. I’m not a fan.

Many people dislike Christmas because it has become such a horribly commercial and materialistic holiday. I don’t blame them. As Black Friday stretches over several weeks and stores stock up on Christmas decor before Halloween is over, I can’t help but feel the magic of the holidays diluting. There is no separation between holidays – retailers push one holiday after the next, without a breath in between.

That being said – I love Christmas because I make it my way.

Some years, it’s special because the whole family continues tradition with a Christmas tree hunt in the National Forest. Other years, I’ve been out of the country and we celebrate Christmas when I return in February. Every year, we make cookies for Santa and leave carrots out for the reindeer. Santa always brings an array of snacks from across the world that we snack on throughout the day (most notably pickled herring, mmmm).

Leading up to Christmas, as long as I distance myself from the whirlwind of insanity around shopping, I enjoy finding the perfect gifts for the people I care about in my life. I’ve always had a knack for finding gifts that bring lasting joy, and I myself find a whole lot of pleasure in the process of wrapping presents.

Without further ado, here are a few holiday gift ideas for the loved ones in your life.

Gifts for the Pleasure Seeker

Cozy, Feel-Good Gift Ideas

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Gift Ideas from Savannah’s Wish List

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Hi, I’m Savannah!

Welcome to Beast Goddess Boudoir, based out of Bellingham, WA. 

I’m on a mission to normalize nudity, support clients in healing the relationship with their bodies, and as a result – building supportive self practices that ripple through the rest of their lives.

Here you’ll find a space of inspiration, photography, and life coaching services.


@primalrevolutions / @thebeastxgoddess

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